Nov 6 (Fri): Drilling survey in progress to alter the course of the Mijagawa river; No work at Awa and Shiokawa

On Nov 3, we learned that the Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) has been doing a drilling survey to alter the course of the Mijagawa river flow. As the river mouth runs through the land reclamation area, they intend to change its course from the Henoko dam.  Both the Mijagawa river and its source, Henoko dam, are under the control of Nago City. Ex-mayor of Nago City, Susumu Inamine, who pledged to oppose the new base at Henoko, was determined to resist the course alteration. Therefore, ODB submitted the design change to use a method that does not require the city’s permission. However, they withdrew this application in November 2014, as they felt that the Prefectural government wouldn’t accept it anyway.     

As the city does not own the land surrounding the Henoko dam, a drilling survey does not require the city’s permission. After finishing the survey, ODB intends to compile a detailed alteration plan and start the negotiation with the City of Nago as early as by the end of this year.

Mr. Toguchi, the current mayor of Nago City, has kept his ambiguous position on the new base construction. However, as he won the mayoral election with the Liberal Democratic Party’s support, it is almost sure that he would permit the course alteration.  Citizen’s organizations immediately submitted a request to the mayor, demanding him to declare that he won’t accept the change request to protect the Oura Bay and its unique precious lives.  


(In front of the Camp Schwab Gate)

In the heat of Celsius 30 degree, which is almost reminiscent of summer, approximately 40 people, including the members of Naha Shimagurumi (Island-Wide Conference) Naha City chapter, raised their voice of protest in the sit-in. The U.S. army vehicles repeatedly passed in front of them, roaring loud. Despite the spread of COVID-19 infection among the U.S. soldiers, the U.S. forces seem to have no intention to stop their training.

Mr. Seishu Sakihara passed away on Nov 4 at the age of 88. He led the people’s protest in Okinawa since the end of WW-II.  He was always at the front line of the protest movement. Despite being very much elder, he frequently showed up to the protest site to encourage people. Ms. Yoshiko Uema, who led the moment of silent prayer for him, said, “He organized and led the people’s movement in Okinawa. Inheriting his legacy, we renew our pledge to stop the construction of the new base.”

A total of 141 trucks, including concrete mixer trucks, brought in the construction materials today.


(Ryukyu Cement Awa Pier)

There was no work of either earth and sand delivery or loading them to carriers.

(Motobu Shiokawa Pier)

There was no loading of earth and sand to ships as the dredging operation was going on.



 Number of dump trucks to date and percentage against the total

The estimation calculated on the basis of the number of ruckloads serves only as a reference.

Number of dump trucks which made delivery from December 2018 to the end of December 2019 114,601(1.39%)

31(Sat) Nov.2(Mon) 3(Tue) 4(Wed) 5 (Thu) 6(Fri)
Awa 756 778 0 559 137 0
Shiokawa 0 0 0 0 0 0


Number of dump trucks
Weightt of earth/sand


Converted to volume


Volume per Total


272,904 1,364,520t 682,260㎥ 3.377%
※ Cumulative since Dec. 1, 2019
※① Calculated by assuming that the average truckload per dump truck would be 5 tons
※② Calculated by assuming that a specific weight of soil/sand set to be 2
※③ Percentage against 20.200.000m3, the total volume of earth and sand required for the landfill.



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