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3 thoughts on “Protected: 琉球セメント桟橋監視活動への呼びかけとビラ翻訳(未)”
Come to Keep a Watch on “Ryukyu Cement Pier”
When: 8:00-17:00 daily (except on Sunday), starting on Dec. 3 (Mon)
Where: at Ryukyu Cement Pier
Abe Administration decided that Ryukyu Cement Pier be used to ship out the landfill soil in place of a port in Motobu Town which was damaged beyond use by a typhoon and that dumping the landfill soil along Henoko shore be started in the middle of December. If the said pier is used to ship out the landfill soil, it is outside the landfill contract and requires authorization by Okinawa Governor. The delay in the schedule for dumping landfill soil pushed the Administration to take another reckless act of ignoring legality. Ryukyu Cement is one of the local companies that accepted the construction order of the new military base.
チラシ内の翻訳もとありましたが、既に書き出されているもの以外に どの部分を?
琉球セメント桟橋:名護市安和(あわ) 国道449号線沿い