Oct. 26: The hours of the sit-in to be extended by 2 hours from the next week. A prompt study meeting held in Motobu Town in the Evening

(In front of the Gate)
At 9:00am, 19 people resumed the sit-in in front of the Gate. Everyone was tense expecting the impending date in the next week when the construction works would be resumed. About 10:00am, 20 priests on a peace pilgrimage stopped by to greet us. The words spoken by the men of religion are strong yet gentle, and penetrate into our mind. I wish that anti-war movements are united into one over the religious differences, regardless of a sect, such as Buddhism or Christianity.

At noon, the sit-in was adjourned; however, the hours of the sit-in will be extended by two hours from the next week.
A prompt study meeting was held in the evening in Motobu Town, where one of the ports will be used for shipping the dumping soil. Approximately 120 people gathered to analyze the recommended legal actions and learn how to continue the protest.
Approximately 1.29 million m3 (equivalent to 260 thousand loads by 10 ton truck) dumping soil is expected to be shipped out of Shiokawa Port. Many shipments will require permission by the Prefectural and/or Motobu Town governments. We resolved that we try harder to persuade the Prefectural and Town governments not to grant permission.

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