Jan 5: A promise with Rob Kajiwara on live TV to continue protests together

(In front of the gate)

The first 2019 rally was held in front of the gate. This was held also for conveying thankfulness and solidarity to Robert Kajiwara etc. who had called for the international signature campaign on the internet. 1,000 protesters participated in the rally.

Mr. Hiroshi Ashitomi, Mr. Hiroji Yamashiro, five Diet members selected from Okinawa and many city councilpersons gathered, and the citizens, including them, who will face a crucial moment this year, promised to each other to make the Japanese Government abandon the construction of the U.S. military base in Henoko.

The protesters listened to the televised speech of Rob Kajiwara in Hawaii, who started the international signature campaign. Mr. Kajiwara said, “It is unreasonable to construct a new U.S. military base in Okinawa where people have already suffered too much. I have casually started, as a four-generation Uchinanchu, the signature campaign, but more than 170,000 signatures were collected, encouraging myself. I am not sure whether the petition will be effective or not, but President Trump should surely respond to us. Let’s stick to it.”, which was strongly applauded.

On the sea, the start of landfill work was confirmed on Jan 4.

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