Apr. 2 (Tue): “Give Us Back Our Life-Line Road!” Mr. Yamashiro Hiroji cried, Ten Students from Hokkaido Middle and High Schools Visited

(In front of the Gate)
Dump trucks and mixer trucks come without a break as if they own the road. A group of approximately 100 trucks come 3 times a day and each time cause a traffic jam for several kilometers on the national highway #239. It was bad today. It took about an hour from 9:45am when the first mixer arrived at the Gate to the time when the last dump truck entered the base.
Mr. Yamashiro Hiroji cried.
“The Defense Bureau has occupied the road. This road is an important life-line for the citizens. What would happen to our daily life and economic activities? It is unthinkable that this situation is to be continued for the next 15 years. The police force should talk to the Defense Bureau to resolve the situation immediately!”
Mother of a family of 3 with a child from Osaka witnessed the site in shock.
“Incredible! This continues every day!? More people should learn what is going on here and think what to do.”
Today, 294 truckloads were delivered.


Traffic of heavy large vehicles has caused serious damages to the road. Asphalt pavement toward the Gate has numerous cracks and repairs, which has happened within a few years. If this is continued for the next 15 years,.?
I heard that the Nago City Assembly plans to send a statement to the Defense Bureau requesting to improve the situation.



(On the sea in Oura Bay)
One boat and 8 canoes were out to protest. They tried to go over the floats 5 times toward K8 construction site, but were detained by the Coast Guard. Somedays, not so lucky.
The picture shows numerous tetrapods to be placed around the seawalls. By the time when the reclamation is completed, thousands of tetrapods would have been thrown into Oura Bay.


(In front of Ryukyu Cement Pier in Awa)
Learning that no shipping takes place from Shiokawa Pier, over 30 protestors gathered in front of the Pier in Awa. Ten students and a teacher from Hokkaido middle and high schools joined us. Before coming here, they visited Iejima and the Gate of Camp Schwab. A student active in his school photo club told us.
“I wanted to see the site with my own eyes. Pictures can communicate only so much.”
Today, 551 truckloads of earth and sand were delivered, and 3 carrier ships left the Pier.

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