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(In front of the Gate) This is the last day of the sit-in protest for 2018 (the 1636th day since the start […]
(In front of the Gate) Eight protestors staged sit-in at 8:30 in a heavy rain. They continued the protest, saying “We, Okinawans, […]
As the criticism on corruption and poor governance increase, the Abe administration closed the current Diet session as scheduled. It is easy […]
(In Front of the Gate) The temperature reached 28oC, like a day in mid-summer. The riot police force members looked fierce today, […]
3 thoughts on “Protected: 12月14日から土砂投入が予定される区域図表(完了)”
埋め立て区域 Area planned to be relaimed
12月14日から土砂投入が予定される区域 Area where sand inputs will be started on Dec 14
護岸未着手 Revetment has not been constructed yet
護岸完成 Revetment has been constructed
護岸未着手 Revetment that has not been constructed
護岸完成 Revetment that has been constucted