Feb. 19 (Tue): In Rain, 95 People Sat-In to Protest

(In front of the Gate)
Dressed in rain gears, over 30 people resumed the sit-in from 9:00am. In the afternoon, 95 people called out aloud to the delivery trucks.
“Save the Future of Our Children!”
“Do Not Destroy Oura Bay!”
From Daito Bunka University, 14 students came to meet with us. Ms. Takasato Suzuyo (one of the group leaders of the “Sit-In Protest in front of the Gate” and a researcher on women’s issue) and 20 members of her seminar that teaches leadership for women joined the sit-in.
From the morning through the afternoon, 3 times the day, 340 deliveries in total were made by mixers and dump trucks.


(In front of Ryukyu Cement Pier)
A drizzle that continued throughout the day seemed to have caused a malfunctioning of the belt conveyer. However, the deliveries of dirt and sand continued until after 6:00pm as if to bring the work up to the schedule, and 453 deliveries in total were made. Two carrier boats left the Pier.


(On the sea in Oura Bay)
Due to strong wind, no work on N4 seawall nor dumping in the zone 2-1.

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