May 24 (Fri): A Photographer, Mr. Ishikawa Fumihiro, Says “I will tell what’s going on here through my pictures” / Nets and Fences Enclosed Citizens at Shiokawa / Requested to the Prefectural Government to Remedy the Situation

(In Front of the Gate)
Under the host sun like in the mid-summer, approximately 30 people resumed the sit-in rally. Following the routine, the riot police force members came out of the base and removed the citizens as a group commander ordered. A well-known photographer, Mr. Ishikawa Fumihiro who has walked across Japan, arrived at Okinawa and visited us at the Gate.
“What I can do now is to tell what is going on here. I will see it how it is settled at the end.”
He was taking pictures of the people being removed by the riot police force.
Three times a day, 230 truckloads in total were delivered today.



(On the Sea in Oura Bay)
Two boats and 8 canoes went out to protest. Construction of K8 seawall has progressed, and it is now about 200 meters long, only a little more to go to reach the planned length of 250 meters. When it is completed, two piers will be available for the cargo ships to moor, and landfill work will be greatly accelerated.


(Protest Rally at Shiokawa Pier of Motobu Port)
Shipping from Shiokawa Pier started. It was a sudden move. Nets and fences were used to hold the citizens away from the pier, which was widely reported in mass media and became the target of criticism. However, it seems that they plan to accumulate established facts for the citizens to give up before the criticism becomes too severe.
At 7 a.m. upon receiving the new, 20 of us headed to the Pier. The Defense Bureau staff and the security service company employees were there already with fences and orange-colored nets to secure a passage for dump trucks. The riot police force was watching nearby. When we went closer, they surrounded us with the nets, several of us in each net. Mr. Yamashiro Hiroji protested vigorously.
“It is illegal for the civilians from security service companies to restrict other civilians. It violates human rights.”
Shipping from the Pier was finished in a half day, but 166 truckloads deliveries were made.
In the afternoon, about 20 people including Mr. Yamashiro went to the North Prefectural Civil Engineering Office in Nago City and the Prefectural Government Office to request strongly to instruct the Defense Bureau to stop restricting the citizens by using nets and fences. The Prefectural Government staff replied.
“We told them that setting up fences is allowable as a safety measures, but their actions were beyond the allowable level. We will instruct them.” During the discussion, it also became clear that the fences were set up to enclose a wider area than expected and caused access troubles for the other businesses users of the Port. It is not permissible for the Defense Bureau to occupy a civilian port facility for its sole use.


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