June 12 (Fri): Construction work resumed in 56 days; the election resulted that Opponents of the new base construction in Henoko made up a majority of Okinawa Prefectural Assembly.


Construction work of a new military base was resumed, after being halted to prevent COVID-19 contagion. On April 17 the Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) halted the construcion, when one laborer from a vendor working on construction was found to be infected with the novel coronavirus. After nearly 2 months, the construction was resumed on June 12. There was an Okinawa Prefectural Assembly member election on June 7, and the election campaign was held from May 28 to the election date. They say that ODB set the date of resumption after the election, as it would adversely affect against the Liberal Democratic Party candidates who pledge for pushing forward with the construction.
Around 8:30 am, nearly 70 people got together in front of the Camp Schwab gate. Congressional representatives and a newly elected prefectural assembly members also participated in the protest rally. Speakers harshly strongly criticized the Abe administration who resumed the construction by ignoring the election result in which a majority of the candidates elected oppose the construction of a new base at Henoko.

Wearing a facial mask, people did their sit-in protest by taking care of social distancing. 30 members of the riot police started to remove them. Trying to keep staying as long as possible, people avoided to be touched by the riot police officers and finally moved themselves away voluntarily. In 30 minutes, the gate was open, and 50 vehicles for the construction work entered into the Camp Schwab. There were 2 more deliveries in the afternoon.
At sea, 2 protest boats and 7 canoes made approach to the landfill area where the work to throw in earth and sand started and raised our voices for protest there. At Awa and Shiokawa the transportation of earth and sand is planned to resume on June 19.

The bollots of Okinawa Prefectural Assembly member election were opened on Jun 7. Members of parties supporting Governor Denny Tamaki held 25 seats in the assembly. They held the majority. The opposition party made with the Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party won 2 more seats than before, but they could not reach the majority.

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