Oct:31:A Visit by 20 Members of a Korean Christian Group

(In front of the Gate)
Today could be the day that the landfill works may be resumed. At 9:00am, 20 people resumed the sit-in. The number of participants increased as the time passed, and by 1:00pm it went up to 90 including 20 members of a Korean Christian group.

We walked along the Gate fences in protest and chanted slogans, “No illegal landfill works”, and “Do not ignore the will of Okinawa people”.

The Korean participants greeted, “We will do our best to bring peace in East Asia, as you do in Okinawa”. Mr. Yamashiro Hiroji responded, “We, Okinawans and Koreans, have been forced to live in misery under Japanese administration. We share the suffering. We appreciate your coming to meet us in Henoko”. Ninety people danced and sang songs hand in hand. When going gets harder, we sing and dance. Graceful and resilient Okinawa ways to fight bring closer ties among people and contribute to extend the protest spirit.

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