Oct 19 (Mon): Eleven Diet members of the non-ruling parties visited to show support for the protesters; The riot police restrained GoGo Drive members for an hour.

Eleven Diet members of the non-ruling parties visited the protest site to show their support.

At 9 in the morning, they went aboard three boats to see the landfill site from the sea. They raised their fists with the canoe members in protest. They visited Camp Schwab Gate and the shipping pier in Awa and Shiokawa in the afternoon to learn the construction status. A newly elected Diet member who came to the protest site for the first time was stunned to witness how forcefully the riot police remove the protesting citizens to push the construction ahead.

The visiting members were eleven from the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Japanese Communist Party, the Democratic Socialist Party, and two Diet members representing Okinawa Prefecture, all non-ruling party members eager to overthrow the Suga regime in the next national election. On Oct 26, the Diet opens a session, the first session for the Suga regime. The Constitutional Democratic Party had not been clear where they stood on the issue of the new base in Henoko, but now they stand firm with us on the subject. The latest reliable coalition among the non-ruling parties has developed in the mainland. The ruling party has only a little over 100 more seats in the House of Representatives than the non-ruling parties.

I sincerely wish that the non-ruling parties will win the national election to lead the way to stop the new base in Henoko as soon as possible.   


(In front of Camp Schwab Gate)

A hot day, like a summer day. Nearly 30 people resumed the sit-in rally from 8:30 in the morning. At 11 o’clock, a big applaud welcomed eleven Diet members. Every time the members reported on the illegal and relentless ways the Prime minister Suga has dealt with “the new base in Henoko” and refused to accept the recommended appointments to the “Science Council of Japan,” the protesters agreed, “Yes, illegal!” and “No way!” All eleven members sat in the front line of the sit-in rally. The riot police officers were somewhat reluctant to remove the protesters, and it took longer to remove all the protesters.

A total of 218 trucks, including concrete mixers, delivered the cnstruction materials.


(Ryukyu Cement Awa Pier)

The riot police targeted four GoGo Drive members and had surrounded them for over an hour. It was a pre-planned action. About 150 meters before the pier’s exit, they stopped four cars of GoGo Drive for questioning. They closed off one lane, and 25 officers surrounded four vehicles. They demanded the GoGo Drive members to show their car registration document and driver’s license. The commander ordered one of the drivers to give out his son’s name. It was power harassment and lasted about an hour.

The protest members strolled, as usual, in front of the dump trucks coming out of the pier to delay the truck run, which frustrated commander K of the riot police and lead him to take overbearing actions, I am afraid. After taking command, he has enforced severer restrictions on the protest site, which has caused frequent disputes with the protesting citizens. Listing his past harassing actions, including one against a woman, the citizens are in the process of bringing him to a court.

A total of 616 truckloads of earth and sand were loaded to 3 cargo ships.

(Motobu Shiokawa Pier)

About 20 protesters walked slowly to cross the road, as a protest action, in front of the trucks. They continue to load simultaneously to two vessels,

A total of 502 truckloads were loaded into four ships.

Number of dump trucks to date and percentage against the total

The estimation calculated on the basis of the number of ruckloads serves only as a reference.

Number of dump trucks which made delivery from December 2018 to the end of December 2019 114,601(1.39%)

17(Sat) 19(Mon) 20(Tue) 21(Wed) 22 (Thu) 23(Fri)
Awa 468 616
Shiokawa 0 502


Number of dump trucks
Weightt of earth/sand


Converted to volume


Volume per Total


264,283 1,321,415t 660,708㎥ 3.271%
※ Cumulative since Dec. 1, 2019
※① Calculated by assuming that the average truckload per dump truck would be 5 tons
※② Calculated by assuming that a specific weight of soil/sand set to be 2
※③ Percentage against 20.200.000m3, the total volume of earth and sand required for the landfill.

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