Feb 2 (Sat): “The plan of a new military base will inevitably fail,” said Mr. Tsuyoshi Kitaueda at the rally on the first Saturday.

(In front of the gate)
A mass rally was held, as usual, on the first Saturday in this month.
It was determined that a referendum would be conducted in the whole prefecture on Feb 24 because five cities that had refused its implementation finally approved a referendum under the condition of a three-choice ballot (the voting choices were increased from two to three), which animated the people in the tent community. Diet members and each municipal representative made an address. Yooichi Iha, Diet member, made a speech, inviting the participants to show a one-sided public opinion against construction of a new military base. Mr. Tsuyoshi Kitaueda, civil engineering technician, reported that Prime Minister Abe could not help but recognize the presence of soft foundation of the seabed. “The government of Japan should submit an application for a landfill design change to the local government, but Governor Denny Tamaki will never accept that. Construction itself lacks a vision, resulting that the plan of a new military base will inevitably fail,” said he, which was strongly applauded. About 1,000 people participated in the rally.


(In front of Ryukyu Cement Pear)
No movement was found.

131 constitutional scholars made a statement that a forcible landfill of Oura Bay would render the Constitution of Japan ineffectual. In the statement, they criticized the central government, saying that forcible construction violates and nullifies the important principles of the Constitution of Japan, fundamental human rights, pacifism and local autonomy. In addition, they considered that the relationship between the local and central governments should not be hierarchical but equal, requiring truthful discussion. The number of constitutional scholars against construction of a new military base will be increased in the future.

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